We arrived in Paris on Christmas day. Rather than transferring to another train to take us directly to the hotel, we decided to walk. This longer than expected walk took us through the gardens surrounding the Louvre, through Concord Square and the Christmas Market on the Champs Elysées, which was just opening in time for us to get a crepe salee. It was a cold day but it was Christmas in Paris! It was a dream come true. Our hotel was a quintessential Paris hotel; The Hotel Napoleon. The tiny, charming room seemed like the perfect place to spend Christmas.
What a perfect way to spend Christmas. We explored the streets of Paris. We have both been to Paris before. Ryan while on a high school trip and me for work. Paris is a very different city when you are there with someone you love. We walked through two Christmas markets, watched the ice skaters at a tiny rink near the Eiffel Tower and sipped coffee in a cafe. Later, we had a romantic dinner at a beautiful restaurant.
The next day, we continued to explore the city. We took the subway to Montmartre and walked about a million steps to get to the Basilica and then up to the bell tower. The view was well worth the walk.

We left the Basilica just as the sun was setting. We couldn't have planned it more perfectly. The sky was the most stunning amber. We stopped and watch sunset then walked the tiny streets of Montmartre in search if dinner. After dinner, we walked to the Christmas market for crepes with nutella and banana.
On our last day we went to the Louvre and I finally got to ice skate in Paris! Doesn't every little girl dream of spending Christmas in Paris with the love of her life? Well, I did. Thank you Ryan for making another dream come true.